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My "Ever Present Now" Theory-Quantum Physics

My "Ever Present Now" Theory Based off of Quantum Physics and the String Theory

The Human Race's Endless Search for Purpose and Answers

As mankind continues the seemingly endless search for answers and purpose, science has recently began to progress rapidly particularly concerning the area of Quantum Physics. As the human race continues to evolve we appear closer and closer to discovering answers that could help us understand the Universe as a whole and our purpose here as human beings.

In Quantum Physics the String Theory is the concept that perhaps the point-like particles of particle physics are actually one dimensional strings. These strings or tiny one dimensional loops are vibrating filaments that are capable of infinite vibration frequencies and they make up everything in the world. Matter in the physical world is just a reflection or mirror of these underlying vibrations.

The String Theory, also known as the "Theory of Everything" is very important because not only does it fundamentally make sense in every aspect but it also connects the Theory of Relativity with Quantum Physics. Without a connection between the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics we are completely blind. These two concepts can't coexist in the world unconnected to each other. This means that either the Theory of Relativity is wrong or Quantum Physics is wrong. OR they are one of the same and are interconnected, this idea is made possible thanks to the String Theory. The String Theory solves the incompatibility between Quantum Physics and the Theory of relativity by linking the two together. If they are not linked, then this would mean at least one of them is wrong.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the String Theory we are lead to the inevitable discussion of infinite vibrational possibilities and parallel universes. If the underlying strings have infinite possibilities yet we only ever see one outcome in a particular situation, where did the rest of the possible outcomes go in that particular situation? The rest of the infinite vibrations are expressed through other dimensions and parallel Universe's.

If the String Theory proves that other dimensions and parallel universe's exist, then of course humans will begin asking:

"Well if there are infinite parallel universe's, how does one travel between them?"

My "Ever Present Now" Theory:

Since parallel universe's have yet to be scientifically proven with hard evidence, the study of traveling between these universe's is limited.

I believe that experience is the greatest most undeniable evidence out there. I also believe that trying to prove the String Theory and prove that parallel universe's exist is a waste of time. I believe this for two reasons.

The first reason is that I question if humans will ever consciously exist in a reality where we are able to prove these things to each other, because I think that the scientific proof could potentially hinder our evolution and our capability of traveling between these parallel universe's, therefore it very well could be impossible to scientifically make sense of and prove everything. But what is there to prove, if the answer to all things is the Universe itself?

The second reason I think that it's a waste of time is because if you are looking to learn how to travel between dimensions I strongly feel as though the more we try to obtain scientific evidence to show others that these things are real and possible, the further away we get from the actual evidence; the experience itself.

It appears to me that the evidence and "portal" to different dimensions and parallel universe's is found through the ever present now. If able to live so presently in life that all you are aware of is the now, you then leave yourself with no other option but to bring your entire consciousness into light. This in return would raise your "string" vibrational frequencies and transport you to a different parallel universe that better matches your present vibrations. This is where the Law of Attraction and the concept "perception is reality" plays a role on a much larger scale than ever imagined.

Yes, I believe that we are constantly traveling through time and dimensions subconsciously. One minute you might feel like you're in Heaven on Earth and the next you might feel as though you've tumbled to the pits of hell. This is life as we know it. If we could somehow manage to bring our consciousness into light, we could essentially control what dimension we are currently experiencing reality in.

When I talk about living in the present moment and raising your consciousness so that you are fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions I am simplifying these concepts into elementary terms so that they are easier to understand and not overthought. I also want to make it clear that although it is very possible to do, it would not at all be easy.

It would take time, dedication, and rewiring of ones own brain in order to learn to consistently control our own consciousness to the point where we could choose to change our own perceptions and "travel" through different dimensions and parallel universe's with the intention of experiencing inner peace, as well as helping others find peace in the same way.

It would take somebody who was willing to give up any ideas of the world that they currently have. It would take somebody who understands that they do not understand anything. Someone who realizes that when I use human words to speak of "the present," "consciousness," and "reality" that I am not talking about your current definitions of these concepts, but rather I am referring to a deeper understanding of these words that the human mind is not yet able to comprehend-with the very small exception of a few living humans who already know the deeper meaning and understanding behind the words that I speak.

This theory can only be proven through one's own experience (as far as I'm concerned.) This theory stemmed from and correlates directly with Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is the answer to all questions asked by the human race. The study of Quantum Physics will eventually lead you to reality-which is found in the present moment. The now.

The present moment gives us access to all things that ever have been and all things that ever will be. It gives us access to infinite possibilities and "universe's." It gives us a chance to see reality for what it actually is rather than what it is not. Reality is not a skewed perception based on relativity. Reality is not foggy.

In order to truly learn how to live, you must die before you die. This happens through one's personal experience of the one true reality that has ever existed. This is the only reality that ever was and the only reality that ever will be.

Reality does not evolve, it merely exists eternally. It can't be created nor can it be destroyed, but it can be skewed by the ill human mind.

Remain in the now, time (as we know it) does not exist.

© 2023 by Flap Your Wings 

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