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Lucidity - Arise of the Conscious in the Real World

You've probably heard of lucid dreaming.

A lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Because of this state of awareness in ones dream, it is possible that they are able to control the dream and what happens in it.

Lucid dreaming is one of the many metaphors of life. If you keep an eye out you will start to see that everything is just a metaphor of the bigger picture.

Reality is one giant lucid dream. Our job is to awaken our consciousness and become aware that the world is one giant illusion or dream.

Not all are ready to do this and if you find these posts quite insane then you are not ready; that is okay. If you find these posts the least bit interesting that means that the awakening process has begun somewhere inside of you and most likely you are not even aware that this process has begun yet. Something important to remember is that the evidence is you. Your experiences are the evidence and if you can't accept what is or you think it is nonsense then no evidence will be provided. Instead of saying, "I need to see it to believe it" you must say, "I need to believe it in order to see it." For example, you don't get the perks of success until you actually become successful, even though success was inside of you all along.

The definition of a dream is "a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep." This is where "awaken" came from and this is what I mean by reality is a dream. You are asleep. Once you become aware that reality is a dream and awaken, you can then see that reality is really not a dream, but that you have been in a dreamlike state for so long. For now focus on the concept that the reality that you live in currently, is a dream and an illusion. An illusion is "a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses." Which is the entire world.

Everyday we use our eyes and we look at the physical world. The world that appears so physical is really just one big ball of energy that belongs to the Universe. Einstein knew this when he came up with E = MC^2. What you see with your eyes is just your perception of how this energy looks.

When we begin the awakening process we must first slowly start to bring our consciousness into light and learn how consciousness works through our own experiences with it.

Begin by setting a couple times a day aside to practice being conscious.

First, we must understand that all that we are is consciousness. We are not even human beings. You are just the one currently watching through the eyes of a human and experiencing things through a human. Essentially you are the Universe experiencing itself through humanness. This is why the universe exists; for self enjoyment. To simplify this idea think of it as a subject object relationship. You, your consciousness is the subject. Your humanness; emotion, thoughts, perceptions, etc. is just the object which is experienced by the subject. The subject again is you; your consciousness and/or awareness.

Sit down and find an object that you have no personal attachment to. Look at this object in great detail. Thoughts or emotions may begin to arise, this is the important part. When any thoughts arise you must bring your consciousness into light. Ask yourself "who is talking?" Then sit back into your consciousness and observe these thoughts. This helps you become present. Do not judge the thoughts just become aware that you are aware of them. This is true meditation. Becoming aware that you are aware. Taking consciousness and then turning it back onto itself. Just as the Universe has expanded into such complexity and now it is going to turn back on itself and contract into its original simplicity. Everything's a metaphor. This is why science agrees with these posts, but we will discuss that at a later time.

Once you master this simple meditation a few times a day it will then start to become a bit easier to bring the light of consciousness into your everyday life. Being conscious in everyday life means that you pay attention to every little detail and you realize that each detail and interaction is a message to you and from you. This is what I mean when I talk about mirroring.

In psychology mirroring is "the behavior in which one person subconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another." Essentially this is the same thing as the Law of Attraction where the Universe draws similar energies together. Whatever subconscious questions or needs you have can be answered through someone else subconsciously. If this process becomes conscious we will more quickly evolve when it comes to the path that leads us to peace and a Heaven on Earth. We must all teach the answer back and forth to each other. Those who appear to know nothing about the truth subconsciously do and can answer your questions if you look. This is why yogis say "namaste." Namaste literally means "I bow to the divine in you" or "the light and teacher in me honors the light and teacher in you."

Once we understand that mirroring occurs in every situation we can then consciously see that there are absolutely no coincidences. It is very important to start to be aware of coincidences and how they actually have meaning and happen for a reason. The more you are aware that coincidences are not coincidences the more these coincidences will start to happen. Law of attraction. Keep an eye out, the answers you have been looking for have been there all along.

The next step which becomes even more complicated is to become aware of all time as one whole lifetime, starting with the beginning of the Universe itself and how it came to be. Eckhart Tolle clearly describes this when he says, "Everything that ever has been or will be is now."

To better understand the meaning of this we must understand the illusion of time and how time is not real but a man made concept. You can find more meaning to these concepts if you look inward; you can find all answers by looking inwards. When an answer is not clear look outwards by paying attention to people's messages for you, these messages are really coming from yourself. This brings us back to mirroring and the illusion of the world.

Nothing in the world is as you think it is. How you think the world is, is just a perception. Our minds try and fill in the blanks in order to comprehend something that can't be comprehended by the human mind. It can only be felt or observed by consciousness, which again is the Universe itself. The Universe is consciousness.

To break free of the illusion or dream state you are stuck in you must be able to accept that you are currently stuck in this state. That everything you think is negative or bad is really not real and is your perception. A lot of times one must start with the extreme mindset of "nothing is real." It takes being able to see that nothing at all is real, in order to see the truth. That everything really is real.

You must think of the world as a flow of energy and remind yourself that every single thing you see is procreated. Everything human, every building, every tree. You procreated it. It is all an illusion that you are trapped inside of. This mindset is very important if you want to find eternal happiness.

Once you accept that the physical world is a procreated illusion and that you can't change the outer world, amazing things will appear to happen. You must accept that things are the way they are. No matter how bad a situation is you must understand that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and you can't do a thing about it. This is true acceptance.

Stay present. Stay aware. Stay accepting.

The beginning of the end is through these three things. And through every end is a higher, more amazing beginning.

© 2023 by Flap Your Wings 

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