Is Society Lost in an Alternate Reality?
a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.
I began thinking that I had gone insane. I felt like a mad person dropped into the middle of a chaotic world. Everybody seemed to understand how to live life. Well, except for me.
This abnormal state of consciousness I began occasionally entering brought on new thoughts and ideas. These new thoughts and ideas ultimately kept making me lose the state of this new awareness.When experiencing my lows I was not in the new state of consciousness, I was back to living with thoughts running through my mind, or as I call it "the voice in my head."
I'm sure you've experienced this voice in your head. You know the one talking to you as you read this. Who is that? That person that is constantly talking to you telling you whether a situation is good or bad. Some people call this your "pain-body" others call it your "inner roommate." One thing I'd like to assure you of is that this inner roommate of yours is NOT you. You are the one that is aware of the voice talking. And it is possible for it to stop talking. When it stops talking, that is when you are aware or conscious. That is when amazing things start to happen.
The voice in your head, which refers to you as "I," is your ego or an illusory sense of identity. In the book "A New Earth" Eckhart Tolle perfectly describes Albert Einstein's ideas on the illusory sense of self. Tolle says, "This illusory sense of self is what Einstein, who had deep insights not only into the reality of space and time but also into human nature, referred to as 'an optical illusion of consciousness.' That illusory self then becomes the basis for all further interpretations, or rather misinterpretations of reality, all thought processes, interactions, and relationships. Your reality becomes a reflection of the original illusion." He says, "The recognition of illusion is also its ending. Its survival depends on your mistaking it for reality. In the seeing of who you are not, the reality of who you are emerges by itself."
Confusion began for me when the voice in my head kept trying to convince me that I was mentally insane due to the new ideas running through my head. Why? Most likely, because my new outlook went against everything society is about and against the way most other humans live life. I started to feel as though I was losing touch with reality and it freaked me out. But, as I fought to further learn to keep this new awareness and remind myself that that voice was only an illusion, I began to realize that it was actually society who had lost touch with reality.
How could you possibly not lose touch with reality, when your only reality is your own procreated perception?
Yes, most of society is in one giant illusion or psychosis. An alternate reality.
Our false perceptions are created when we are consumed with the voice inside of our head as well as our emotions. When we think that we are this voice, and we listen to what it says. Instead of being the voice, try to sit back and just be aware of what it is saying. This voice is what is in the way of eternal happiness. If you rid this voice, you then are living consciously.
In order to get rid of the voice in your head, to awaken, become enlightened, or whatever you want to call it, it takes time. You must put your entire heart and soul into the process. You must want and need to get rid of this voice. You also must not judge yourself. Be patient with yourself.
You can begin by setting one or two times aside a day to make sure that you are consciously aware of your voice. When you take a shower, workout, are in the car, or whenever you choose. This is helpful to not overwhelm yourself and get frustrated.
As you continue to do this for a long time you will develop a habit of doing so and the habit will expand into the rest of your life until you are able to almost always be aware of the voice in your head. When you are aware of the voice you are non-judgmentally recognizing that it is talking. You don't react to what it says, you only observe it. You might notice that this voice is constantly talking about the past or the future. Never the exact present. It's impossible for it to talk about the exact present moment because as its talking its stuck in a previous or future moment.
If you do this long enough you will enter a state of consciousness where the voice no longer exists. Where you are aware of the present and the present only. This can take months, years, or even decades. Most people never obtain this state or don't obtain it until their last few breathes are taken and then their body ceases to function, but anybody can obtain this state if they are determined to do so.
When we live stuck with the voice in our head we are living in an alternate reality; a parallel universe. Undetectable until you are there. Unaware that it exists until you are simply aware.
Once we break free of the illusion of the world we then can realize that eternal happiness has been parallel with us all along. It has been one with us, just at a different frequency then we were previously living. Your voice is an illusion or a false perception that is trying to blind you from the unlimited positive energy and happiness that is already inside of you. The voice, whether positive or negative at the time, is always feeding off of negative energy frequencies, therefore making it impossible to experience true happiness and genuine relationships.
When we break free, it is an experience that is like nothing you have ever felt. When you are there you won't need to ask "is this it?" you will just know. Happiness or contentedness are the only words that come close to describing this state, but it is unlike any other happiness experienced before. It is pure bliss, joy, ecstasy. It is impossible to use a thought or a word to label it.